Not wanting to induce unless absolutely necessary, he wanted to see if we were dealing w/ an 8.5 lb baby with large amounts of amniotic fluid or if Erin was carrying a baby that was pushing 10.5 lbs (you should have seen her eyes when that number came out!)
As the ultrasound commenced, we discovered that our son (WOW!!! That sounds crazy!!!) has a long femur (confirmation that he is from these parents), a large big toe (gets that from his mama.....ha ha ha ha......mama says that comes from his daddy), and he was very comfortable and relaxed in the womb....heartbeat was mid-130s
They said he is very healthy and everything is progressing well.....the tech estimated him at 8 lbs 3 oz
At this point, the doctor said (tongue in cheek) for us to make an appointment for the upcoming week but to plan on canceling it :-)
The contractions are beginning, but at this point they're infrequent
Mama and daddy are both ready for this boy to get here so the sleepless nights can begin!
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